Strategic Business Planning

On your journey through this section, you will learn how to set up your own creative and cultural business in the Arab region, particularly in Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon. This section introduces you to the… Read More


Cultural Policies in the Arab World

Exploratory Survey of Cultural Policies in Egypt

Exploratory Survey of Cultural Policies in Lebanon

Exploratory Survey of Cultural Policies in Jordan

Business Types in Egypt

Business Registration in Egypt

Business Registration in Jordan

Strategic Planning

Human-Centred Design

Project Development Guide

Strategic Planning in the Arts

Market Research


Business Model Canvas

Lean Canvas

One-Page Business Plan

Thirty-Nine-Step Product Launch Checklist

SWOT Analysis

Competitive Matrix (ERRC)

Porter’s Five Forces

Value Proposition Canvas


Validation Board

Google Primer App

Egypt Innovation Map

Contract and Agreement Templates

Google for Startups